Our aim is to to provide a happy, safe, and welcoming environment where children learn through the provision of stimulating activities and inspiring resources on their individual journey of discovery.
We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Guidance (EYFS) and Development Matters (2021) to help inform assessments on children and plan next steps to move them on.
The EYFS is split into 7 different areas of learning and development with 3 Prime areas; Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED), Physical Development (PD) and Communication and Language and 4 specific areas; Literacy (L), Mathematics (M), Understanding the World (UW) and Expressive Arts and Design (EAD).
Your child' key person will use their knowledge of the EYFS curriculum to ensure that there are many opportunities for your child to progress within each area of learning and development and will identify any areas they may need additional support.
We plan activities and provision around individual children' next steps, children' interests, long term seasonal themes and celebrations to make sure that every day is an exciting day for learning and fun!
The curriculum is well planned and sequenced. Staff ensure key skills of focus are brought into learning experiences, as identified in children' individual learning plans.
Ofsted - October 2022
Learn more about our curriculum on the seperate pages below
The curriculum is ambitious and challenging for children. Staff know the children well and have a good grasp of how best to support them and build on their knowledge and skills.
We'd love to hear from you! If you have any questions, queries or would like to arrange a visit then visit the contact page for more details